Home Life
A Happy life starts with a tidy home!
Home Life
A Happy life starts with a tidy home!
There are so many reasons why your house is untidy and many more ways to tidy it and also keep it under control. Before I start preaching, ask your self:
Was I born messy? Is it in my nature? Have I always been this way?
Is it easier to throw things on the table, dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor and deal with it later?
Am I always pressed for time that I can only keep one part of my life orderly at a time???
Do I keep things for sentimental reasons, financial value, or the fact that I may need it some day...?
I think the answer to the above questions is the first steps in understanding your own issue... Whatever the reason, there is a suggested way to overcome it. Your success just depends on how badly you want order in your life and how committed you are to doing it!
Here is my 2 cents:
If you haven't used it for a year, then you don't need it! Trust me, someone else would!
If you run out of space, PURGE! Don't add to the problem by adding to it! Don't buy till you finish purging.
Put sentimental items in a memory box and put it on a bookshelf (not in the loft as it will be forgotten forever!). When you get nostalgic, get the box out and go through your items!
If it was expensive when you bought it, it is dead money if you don't use it! Sell it while it has some value, is usable, or still in style
If you don't have time to keep your house organized at all times, then start by sorting out "one area at a time". Once done, then form a habit and stick to keeping it tidy. Then move onto organizing another part of your house. For example, to keep your entrance hall table tidy, open your mail by the trash can. Through out junk mail and envelopes immediately - then go to your desk and put the mail/bill/letter in the to do pile/folder. Its that simple! Don't put your mail on the dining table and create another pile of mess to deal with! Deal with it right then and there! and remember:
Every minute spent organizing saves an hour tidying up afterwards!