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  • Writer's pictureMizi

COVID-19 Lemon -> Lemonade: Lesson 3.... Go paperless

As an American living in England, I am lucky enough to have to file taxes in both countries! Though both countries have extended the tax filing deadlines due to the current situation around the world, today I decided to tackle the inevitable while I am locked down at home.

In order to get to the necessary papers, I first had to go through the un-filed pile of papers I have avoided touching for the last few month! Needless to say I found notes I have been looking for and found magazine clips I didn't know I had! This got me thinking: every inch of space is valuable, clutter causes stress especially while we are stuck at home, and why do we collect so much paper? It is 2020, and I have now made a commitment to go 99% paperless.

And here is a few tips for you too:

1) Go Digital with all your bills and bank statements:

If you must have paper statements for some old fashion company who wants the proof of your address and doesn't accept your print out of your own bank statements, then keep 1 or 2 bills/statement non-digital.

2) Scan articles:

If you have interesting magazine articles you like to keep, scan them and file them on your computer with a good title for reference (and search)

3) Scan your children's art work:

Artwork can be filed away in attic if you don't have the heart to throw them out (yet). But for current reference and nostalgic moments, store them electronically

4) Take the time to go through your picture albums:

Take the pictures out and write as much info as possible about the people, place and date of the photo. You can then store them in a shoe box or special acid free photo boxes! Trust me, this would be the best gift you can leave behind for future generations of your family

5) Stop magazine subscriptions:

Save trees and space by reading them online

6) Ask for digital or no receipts:

Ask store workers not to give you a receipt if you don't really need it expect for uses such as proof of purchase or expense claims. Even so, ask if they can send you an electronic copy instead

7) Prevention:

To avoid paper in the house, open all your

mail at the postbox or the hallway. Put the

junk mail in the bin straight away. File the

important items to be dealt with (keep

them all in one location to avoid clutter)

8) The inevitable 1%:

For items that are impossible to have paperless, keep a folder with action tabs to store them in. This is a neat way to keep paper safe - and an uncluttered clear to do list!

9) Use digital tools:

Use your phone calendar to keep notes, lists and reminders instead of pieces of paper and post-it notes around the house or office

10) Keep yourself honest:

One you make a commitment to go "paperless", schedule regular self-audits and paper-purges. You don't need to keep documents of your first home purchase or any other financial papers that are more than 7 years old. Even then, you can now find and archive them on line!

#orderlylife, #stressfree, #springcleanup, #keepbusy, #CoronaVirus, #Covid-19, #Timeismoney, #gopaperless, #godigital, #bored, #filing

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