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  • Writer's pictureMizi

COVID-19 Lemon -> Lemonade: Lesson 4.... Communication and Compassion

Approximately one month in self isolation and at least 3 more weeks to go..... The general feedback I get from people I communicate with is "I am bored!..." - And why is that?

Self isolation has closed many doors to "entertainment" but only ONE channel of "communication": and that is Face to Face communication.

While that is true, why don't we use some of the other means of communication and reach out to friends, family, colleagues, or Facebook friends you don't remember being friends with? When was the last time you went through the list of your contacts on LinkedIn to see how many you actually remember, what they were like when you met and what projects you worked on together? I went through this exercise during Christmas break and noticed the percentage of familiar names is just around 50%! ..... and some of those I knew, remembered, and contacted to wish them a happy new year, well.... didn't remember me! :-(

So, this weekend, in the spirit of being close and connected while apart, why don't you also go through your list of contacts in your phone or any other social media you subscribe too? Start by calling or texting 10 people a day to see "how they are doing"? Even if you don't remember them, tell them so... they are someone you knew once and should still care about their well-being during these unprecedented times! Ask if they are alone or need anything.... Human touch can heal many issues... especially the feeling of loneliness (or boredom) in some cases!

Use the extra time you have and extend your communication... something you may not have time for when things go back to "normal"!

#orderlylife, #stressfree, #boredom, #keepbusy, #CoronaVirus, #Covid-19, #reachout, #communication, #bored, #loneliness

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